Thursday, February 21, 2008

Some Things I've Found

I was driving to school, wondering if I should drive in perfect squares or not, when I realized that no perfect square is farther than one from any multiple of five.
I shall illustrate
1*1 = 1; 5*0 = 0
2*2 = 4; 5*1 = 5
3*3 = 9; 5*2 = 10
4*4 = 16; 5*3 = 15
5*5 = 25; 5*5 = 25
6*6 = 36; 5*7 = 35
7*7 = 49; 5*10 = 50
and so on. Someone has probably figured that out already. It's still cool though.

I found a really skilled 3dMax/PS artist. The art is really good, but the site is really worth it just for the comments (the english ones).

There was an interesting coffee mug offered by Yanko Design. Yeah... I liked one of the comments though: Design A + Design B != innovation. Creative solution though.

My personal new favorite I've found, Smashing Magazine. It's probably the most useful site for just random web design stuff I've seen in a while. Plus it looks nice.

Ah yes, the best for the last. This is the coolest yardstick evar.

So yeah. I scrounge the pond scum of the Internet for pearls of wisdom, and you get to see it without all the effort.